On Sneezing…

One of my major pet peeves (I have a lot) is when somebody sneezes in a room full of people and nobody says “Bless you” or “Gesundheit or even a surprised “Woowee!”
Bitch I just sneezed. Can you please at least acknowledge that, wtf?

As humans, we have many similarities that bind us- in particularly bodily functions and come on- sneezing is universal! It doesn’t matter if you are Black, White or Asian if you are tall or short, heavy or skinny if you like cheese, salt or sugar in your grits- everybody at some point in their life has sneezed!
Rihanna with the I just sneezed stankface
I don’t care if I’m at a gas station at two in the morning, buying two late night Little Debbie snacks two aisles over and someone sneezes- I’m gonna throw a polite and sturdy bless you their way. I hear you, I feel you, I acknowledge that you exist. Bless you.
It won’t matter if we are in the middle of a heated argument and I’m calling you every name but the child of God- sneeze and watch me say bless you and go right back to gathering your life and reading your rights.
This all came about because I sneezed twice yesterday in a crowded room and no one said “Bless you” or even looked my way and I was slightly offended lol. I paused to give people time to swallow their juice, spit, words, whatever was keeping them from saying anything to me and still nothing. I sneezed again to open air and silence and was disappointed and pissed, like come onnnnn!
when you sneeze and no one says bless you
#Firstworldproblems I know lol!
When you sneeze, you are caught up in the most involuntarily vulnerable state- your body freezes up and folds together, your face gets all scrunched up and ugly, your eyes clamp shut and you just lose it! And then you release a gust of germs so powerful they spew everywhere and all you have is your bare arm or maybe a thin piece of tissue to stop the spread if you are lucky.
It’s not pretty. You feel super exposed and defenseless- don’t you want somebody to be like- “Hey sister/brother, I feel you. I too have sneezed before and I KNOW how it feels, we are in this together and ‘Bless you.’ No? Just me? Ok…
when someone doesn't say bless you
All I’m saying is, it doesn’t take much time and it’s not hurting you to say ‘Bless You, ‘Gesundheit’, or at least give a nice strong nod in solidarity and understanding after someone sneezes. It’s the small things like this that tie family, friends, co-workers and complete strangers together, why not take a moment to acknowledge when someone sneezes near you?
So if you sneezed yesterday, today, as you are reading this or will sneeze later on sometime this week, let me be the first to say it: Bless you. Now say it someone else.
Lady Silk signature

6 thoughts on “On Sneezing…

  1. Lol that was quite funny. I hate when people sneeze near me full stop (I’m a bit of a germophobe) especially when they don’t cover their mouth….Arrggghhh gets me so angry….I just have to hold my breath for a while until I’m out of the vicinity…but I still say bless you…when I’m not holding my breath lol

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Flygurrl🌹ur piece gott me Lmao☺…u gott this way of bringing truth…2 light.
    I appreciate ur kreative power…ur ability 2pull me in..holding me hostage.
    ur work is just amazing…always on point!!!!☺

    Liked by 1 person

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